-Books, Mystery Party Games, Full-Length Plays, and Skits-

Write To Bless The World

Tsula Man
Miriam Beckwith
New Release!
Available Nov 1, 2022.

The strangest summer in June’s fourteen years begins when she finds a crumbling, boarded-up cabin tucked deep in Nantahala Forest. Questions and secrets follow her wherever she goes. Why was the cabin boarded up and left to decay? Who made the carvings and tunnels the neighbor boy showed her? Could her grandmother’s legend about the tsula man actually be true? But the most important question of all is this: Can June keep her grandmother’s mental decline a secret from the world so they can continue living together in their beloved forest?

Searching for the Prince of Peace
A Christmas Allegory
Queen Amarys of Damali is running for her life. King Waldron wants her dead—especially now that he knows she is pregnant with the rightful heir to the thrown. He has hired mercenaries from the evil nation of Gaenor to hunt her down.
But Amarys has three wise and powerful friends—Ira the Wizard, Frewin the Alchemist, and Gilen the Seer. They are working together to find her, rescue her, and save the life of her unborn child. When all seems lost, Ira foresees that help will find her. But what help could possibly find her in the dangerous deep of the wolf-infested Western Wood?
A simple peasant named Taron comes to the queen’s rescue. But can he protect her from the bands of Gaenorian soldiers raiding every home to find her? And how will they make such a dangerous journey amidst so many enemies—especially now that Amarys is large with child?
Great Gifts for Writers

Check out our Mystery Party Games!

"I've used other dramas by this author and find them all to be very engaging and funny. This one is also a great skit to put on even with young people because it is so witty and hilarious, that it would make a great activity for relationship building. ...We used it for a party and it was a hit! Our parties were always talked about for the fun skits we had done. We purposely have looked for other works... by this author, because of the easy to follow style and just hilarious word play. Fun!!!!!"
-- Laurel, Florida, about "Murder At Surly Gates"

"We did this with a group of college friends. Everyone loved the cleverly written script and the surprise ending. Enjoy the food, and the company, and every minute of this intriguing and hilarious story. Definitely worth it!"
-- Lori, North Carolina, about "Who Invited The Stiff To Dinner?"
Photograph Restoration

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