-Books, Mystery Party Games, Full-Length Plays, and Skits-

Write To Bless The World

Frequently Asked Questions
What do you publish?
We are open to publishing in multiple genres, including:
Mystery Party Games
Poetry (Only via the "Into the Beautiful" Poetry Contest. Click HERE for more information.)
Christian Historical Fiction
Modern Inspirational Fiction
Christian Romance
Short Story Collections
Christian Theology, Philosophy, and Apologetics
Christian Living & Devotionals
Cookbooks (Very Limited)
Christian Drama
Children's Books (Very Limited)
YA Fiction & Non-Fiction
General Non-Fiction
Are you a self-publisher?
No. We are a traditional, royalty-paying publisher. However, we do offer a variety of author's services. Click HERE to see wha they are. We also provide lots of free advice and writing tips in our monthly newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter from our home page.
Are you a Christian publisher?
We are a Christian-owned company, which differs from a Christian publisher. Christian publishers publish only Christian material. As a Christian-owned company, we publish both secular and Christian materials. However, our secular materials must still fit our motto: Write To Bless The World. For more information on what we do and do not publish, please click HERE.
What is the "Into the Beautiful" Poetry & Cover Art Contest and How Is It Judged?
"Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists" is a book of poems scheduled to be released in January or February of 2015. We ran a state-wide contest for both poetry and the cover art, staring in August 2014 with a deadline of October 15, 2014. There were four categories for contestants. The Cover Art Contest, Poems Written by Adults (ages 18 and above), Poems Written by Teens (ages 13-17), and Poems Written by Children (up to age 12). Originally, only one winner per category was going to be selected; however, we have expanded our winners to include Second Place, Third Place, and Honorable Mentions for each of the Poetry Contests.
What are the prizes for the winners of the "Into the Beautiful" Poetry & Cover Art Contests?
Cover Art Contest Winner Receives:
Publication of name, winning image, and bio on our website.
Individualized comment about the image made by S. E. Thomas, publisher.
Publication of winning image on the cover of "Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists," and publication of artist's name, image name, and bio in the front of the book.
1 Awards Certificate naming the author and the winning image.
Choice of 1 Paperback Copy OR 1 eBook copy of the current of the book, "Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists."
Poetry Contest Winners (One for each of the three age categories: Adult, Teen, & Child)
First Place:
Name, title of poem, and a comment from S. E. Thomas, publisher/editor, published on our website.
1 Awards Certificate showing their name and the name of their winning entry.
Publication of poem, name, and bio in the front of the book, “Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists.”
1 Paperback Copy of the Book “Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists”
Second Place:
Name, title of poem, and a comment from S. E. Thomas, publisher/editor, published on our website.
1 Awards Certificate showing their name and the name of their winning entry.
Publication in the book, “Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists,” with a note of its winning status.
1 Paperback Copy of the Book “Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists”
Third Place:
Name, title of poem, and a comment from S. E. Thomas, publisher/editor, published on our website.
1 Awards Certificate showing their name and the name of their winning entry.
Publication in the book, “Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists,” with a note of its winning status.
1 Paperback Copy of the Book “Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists”
Honorable Mention:
Name and title of poem published on our website.
Publication in the book, "Into the Beautiful: Poetry by Montana Artists," with a note of its honorable mention status.
Why didn't my work get accepted?
Whether you submitted to a contest or for consideration for publication, there are many reasons your work may not have been accepted. Here are a few. It:
did not fit what we were looking for at the time.
was poorly editted.
did not fit our guidelines.
contained material that we deemed in conflict with our tagline: Write To Bless The World.
was too long or too short.
contained material that conflicts with the Christian world-view.
would be too hard for us to market effectively.
was not the kind of material we publish.
was submitted in an incorrect format.
To better understand who we are and what we publish, please click on the "About Us" tab.
To be among the first to hear our calls for writers and contest announcements, sign up for our monthly e-newsletter by clicking on the "Contact" tab or from the Home page.
To find out how to become a better writer and/or more effective marketer, click on the "Blog" tab, sign up for our newsletter, and check out our Services for Writers.
Do I need to secure an agent before I contact you?
No. We are open to new and unpublished authors.
Will you just read my book/article and tell me if it's good enough to publish?
We offer an editing service among the writers' services we offer. If you need editing help or advice, please click HERE. Though we love to help new and aspiring writers, due to the time demands of our business, we cannot offer editing services or manuscript reviews free of charge. If you are unable to pay for help, we suggest you join or start a writers' group where you can share writing help with a team of your peers. These groups are EXTREMELY helpful to writers at any level in the craft! We can help you get started. Click HERE for more information about TDP critique groups.
Will you walk through the formatting changes I need to make so I can learn how to do it myself?
We offer a manuscript formatting service among the writers' services we offer. If you need formatting work done, please click HERE. Though we love to help new and aspiring writers, due to the time demands of our business, we cannot teach you how to do what we do. If you are unable to pay for help, we suggest you analyze books in your genre and copy them. You can also attend writers' conferences or search YouTube for free instructional videos.