-Books, Mystery Party Games, Full-Length Plays, and Skits-

Write To Bless The World

Start A TDP Christian Writers' Group Chapter!
No matter how you slice it, a writer NEEDS to be in communiy with other writers in order to grow. Classes, conferences, hours of labor aside, we believe writers' groups offer the single best place for a writer (no matter his or her experience) to hone the craft, learn from the experiences of others, hear about exciting writing opportunities, find motivation for one's own projects, and share one's failures and successes. Bottom line, writing is best when it's not a lone wolf exercise!
So, if you're a writer (or want to be!), the first thing you need to do is get into a good writers' group! Can't seem to find one? No problem! Start one! We'll help!
First Step:
Find A Group of Like-Minded Writers
(Want to find out what a Christian critique group looks like? Click HERE.)
Second Step:
Register Your Group by Downloading our Registration Form, Filling It Out, and Sending It In
(Mailing directions on the form.) OR Register Online Using the Form Provided Below.
Benefits of Being A TDP Christian Writers' Group Chapter
A website listing of your group (with contact information) for anyone in your area who might like to join.
Monthly E-Newsletter with Lots of Writing Tips and Goodies!
Access to start-up advice, tips, and meeting formatting help.
Access to trouble-shooting help (just in case problems arise down the road.)
Limited, FREE Advertising for any registered member who gets a Christian book, poem, or short-story published! We'll post about it, tweet about it, and mention you in our newsletter! (Now, that's amazing!)
FREE event advertising in our newsletter for any registered member who is hosting a signing (for a Christian book) and writes to tell us about it at least 1 month prior to the event. (Also amazing!)
10% - 20% Discount on all TDP Press Instructional Pamphlets (Soon to come!)
50% Discount on any TDP contest entry fees. (Right now contests are free; however, in the event that we start charging....)
Access to official, downloadable TDP Press letterhead for your use.
Access to official, downloadable advertising flyer templates for your use.
You'll receive periodic alerts to writing-related opportunities, such as upcoming conferences, calls for writers, and helpful resources.
Find A TDP Christian Writers' Group Near You
Here we will list all registered TDP Writers' Groups according to state and city of location, in alphabetical order. The list will grow as more groups register. NOTE: Please contact the group president PRIOR to attending a session, so that they know to expect you and can alert you to possible meeting date/time changes.
The Shredders Christian Critique Group
President: Susan E. Thomas, M.A.
Contact: christianwriter.thomas@gmail.com
Meeting Location:
Hastings, Hardback Cafe, 2501 Brooks St.
Days & Time: Every other Wednesday Night, 7-9pm